Christmas Update 2018

Christmas 2018 Newsletter

Matthew 1:21: “She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

It is so easy to get focused on the problems all around us. Our country is experiencing the worst addiction epidemic in its history. In 2017, more people died of drug overdose and alcohol than died in the entire Korean War and Vietnam War combined. And for every person who is part of the statistics, there are family members and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. It is easy to become overwhelmed and think that we can do so little to make a difference in this battle, and yet we have been called to be a light in the midst of the darkness, to point the way to the one true hope of freedom: Jesus.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Our prayer is that we will be that small drop of water that falls into a placid lake so that the ripple effect spreads across the whole body of water. We want people to see Jesus in the midst of their fear and pain and know that He is the only answer to being set free.


We have had a very busy year, between counseling, speaking at churches and support groups, and teaching our Set Free Seminar.  Our most recent seminar was at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Acton, MA. We had a good turnout and great response from the people who attended. Joe also gave his testimony during the morning services the next day.

We are looking forward to two seminars in the month of February, one in Cape May Courthouse, NJ, at Lighthouse Church on Feb 9th and one in Egg Harbor Twp, NJ, at Friendship Bible Church on Feb 23. Check our LTTL Facebook page for further details.

If you would like us to present our seminar, testimonies, or start a support group at your church, please let us know.  You can contact us at 732-773-7747.

New Men's Support Group

The LTTL women's support groups have been very effective in helping women dealing with loved ones in addiction. The question has been asked many times, "What about the fathers and husbands who have a loved one in addiction?" A new support group called A Father's Heart will be launched at America's Keswick, Whiting, NJ, on January 7th, 2019, from 7pm-8:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Saint Memorial Lodge Lounge and will be facilitated by Joe Freeman. The curriculum will be our book Beside Still Waters: Discovering Peace in the Midst of Your Child's Addiction. The cost of the book is $12.00. All men dealing with a loved one in addiction are welcome. We would like to see A Father's Heart groups start in other locations. Contact us if you are interested:

Financial Support

We are very grateful for the financial support we have received this past year. Love Them To Life is a non-profit ministry; we depend on the gifts from our  supporters to keep spreading the news of freedom in Christ to a scared and dying world. We do not take a salary - all donations go directly to the expenses of the ministry. If Father lays it on your heart to support this ministry, either with a one-time gift or through monthly donations, this can be done in the following ways:

- By Check: payable to Love Them To Life, 31A Yorktowne Pkwy, Whiting, NJ 08759.

-By electronic transfer: There is a "Donate" tab on our website here.

Your help is greatly appreciated!


We wish you all a wonderful Christmas as we remember the birth of our Savior and Living Hope, Jesus Christ. May the year ahead be one of rich blessing as we draw closer to the return of our beloved Messiah.

Joe & Cherri
