September, 2018 Update

Beside Still Waters: Discovering Peace in the Midst of Your Child's Addiction

We were blessed recently to be able to republish the book Beside Still Waters: Discovering Peace in the Midst of Your Child's Addiction through Christian Faith Publishing. This story began with a very enthusiastic woman, Ann, who attended the LTTL group at Keswick and called Christian Faith Publishing, very emphatically telling them that they needed to pick up our book. We received a call from the literary agent and the rest is history. Our church, Bayside Chapel, and the Carole Mastroddi Foundation covered the cost of republishing, which was a huge blessing! CFP did a wonderful job with every area of the book, from the editing to the cover design, and we are excited to see where Father will take the book as a result of this step of faith. The book can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple books.

You can view the publicity trailer below:

Set Free Seminar

The addiction epidemic in our country continues to increase, with no end in sight. It seems that everyone we talk with either has a family member in addiction or knows someone who is addicted. The number of overdose deaths each year is staggering and continues to climb. The estimate for 2017 is that there were 72,000 deaths from overdose, with opioids (heroin, fentanyl, and pain pills) being the major cause of death . This epidemic crosses all socio-economic boundaries and geographic locations. More and more grandparents are having to raise their grandchildren because of the poor choices of their children. Many churches feel confused and overwhelmed as to how to address the needs of their own families as well as the surrounding community needs.

We are available to present our 1-day seminar Set Free at your local church. We talk about the problem of addiction and its effects on the family and friends of the person trapped in addiction in the morning sessions and then address the solution, which is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, in the afternoon sessions. Please contact us at if you are interested.

Recovery Coach Training

"God does not call the equipped. He equips the called."

One of the essential tools a church needs is to have people trained to deal with someone struggling with addiction. Pastors are already extremely busy with the church ministry and need people to come alongside them to work in this area. Joe presented the need to have Bible-based, Christ-centered training for addiction coaching to the board of Grace Fellowship International back in 2013. Recently, we have partnered with Dr. John Woodward of GFI in developing such a training and certification program. It has been shown that lay people properly trained can be as effective as a professional counselor. John has put together a certification track for people interested in becoming recovery coaches. We are excited to see the impact that this training will have in our hurting, needy world.

Joe's Testimony

One of our pastors, Ken Carlson, recently put together a 9 minute version of Joe's testimony From Wreckage to Redemption that has been shared on Facebook by many people. We have been amazed at the impact this video has had and continues to have. People are in desperate need of hope. Please watch and share with those you know.

Upcoming Events

September 22, 2018 - Set Free Seminar, Faith Evangelical Free Church, Acton, MA.

October 14, 2018 - Gospel Concert Fundraiser for Love Them To Life, Bayside Chapel, Barnegat, NJ

October 19-21 - Weekend at West Davenport Free Baptist Church, Oneonta, NY


Love Them to Life is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations go to the ministry fund and do not benefit Joe and Cherri Freeman personally.

If Father lays it on your heart to support this ministry, either with a one-time gift or through monthly support, the following methods may be used:

1. By check: please make checks out to Love Them To Life and mail it to 31A Yorktowne Pkwy, Whiting, NJ 08759.

2. PayPal:

All donations are tax deductible and will receive a receipt.

More than anything, we thank you for your prayer support. The evil one hates what we are doing. Thank you for standing in the gap for us.
