Book and Seminar

Set Free: Finding Truth and Hope When a Loved One is Addicted

After a year and a half of writing, editing, cover design, formatting, and publishing, Set Free is finally available through the major distributors such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and others. It is also available on Kindle. It has been quite a journey but it was worth it. Here are some of the reviews of the book:


“Cherri Raws Freeman has written a painfully honest assessment of the devastation addiction unleashes on families. With drug and alcohol dependencies on the rise, Set Free is a must-read for every parent and grandparent whose descendants are dealing with addiction. The real-life stories, spiritual insights, and practical helps are priceless. It’s also a book for those who think their kids have sidestepped the ravages of chemical enslavement, because God only knows what they still might face.”

- John Ashmen, President, Citygate Network

“Having been personally impacted by addiction 30 years ago and serving in addiction recovery, I have read dozens of books on addiction, and attended many classes and seminars. While some were very helpful, Cherri Freeman’s new book, “Set Free” is a true gem for anyone seeking a deeper biblical understanding of addiction, it’s causes, effects on loved ones, and most importantly, what each individual can do to walk in freedom from the slavery to addiction or how to understand what you can do, if someone you love is an addict. For anyone like me, who was caught blindsided in the midst of addiction, this book will not only help you understand addiction, but will help you to move from insanity to being able to live each day wholly dependent on the only One who can help you to live with joy, strength and peace, Jesus Christ. A book that will be underlined and highlighted and referred to again and again. A must read.”

-MaryAnn Kiernan MCC, Counselor and Retired Intake Manager of the Colony of Mercy at America’s Keswick.

One way you can help people find the book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble is to leave a review or at least give it a "stars" rating. It makes an immense difference in the visibility of the book on the various sellers' sites. Your partnership is greatly appreciated. You don't have to buy the book from that particular seller to be able to leave a review. We want people to find truth and hope when their loved one is addicted. Thank you!

See the book page here for more details.

On April 1st I presented a session of Grace Fellowship International’s Finding Freedom Seminar. It was held in Rhode Island. The following day I had the opportunity to visit a supporting church nearby, First Baptist Church of East Providence.