Fall 2020 Newsletter

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Fall 2020 Newsletter

Covid-19 has affected our world in so many ways. We hear about it on the news daily, with implications for families,education, work, corporate worship, travel, healthcare, grief and loss, or even a simple walk on the beach. What is not being talked about is the impact the virus is having on addiction to drugs and alcohol. The following are ways that Covid-19 has deeply impacted the addiction crisis in our country:

1. We are told to isolate, which promotes depression and loss of connection with others, leading to increased substance abuse. This is the opposite of what people coming out of addiction need to do.
2. The fear of losing jobs, houses, and savings lead some people to "numb" the pain with substance abuse.
3. Many long-term treatment facilities have been closed or taking a limited amount of new clients. 
4. There is an impact on families who have loved ones in addiction. Some feel forced to take an active drug user or alcoholic in to their home so that they are not on the streets. This can lead to enabling and codependency issues. It certainly increases the stresses on an already stressed family.

Covid-19 has increased illness, stress, unemployment, isolation, anger, fear, and death, all of which people use drugs and alcohol to numb and forget. Although this is an unprecedented time in our country, it is comforting to know that our God never changes, nor does the answer to the problem of addiction, which is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. 

We received this encouraging letter from a young woman in Tennessee recently. She gave us permission to share it with you.

"Hi, my name is Emma and a few months ago I started receiving counseling through Dr. John Woodward at Grace Fellowship International. About a month and a half ago I began the recovery coach track, and through that I was led to your book Beside Still Waters and your Love Them to Life seminar (which I started watching last night. I'm starting video 2 tonight). A little background on me: I was a methamphetamine addict for the last year until I was arrested on January 24th of this year with my fiance who was also a meth and heroin addict. I was bonded out of jail and moved to east Tennessee to get clean before my next court date and I'll admit it's been a rough road, but when I got to your book on my reading list, my perspective changed. While I knew my mother loved me and suffered during my addiction, it's almost as if I talked myself out of believing that to be true. I had convinced myself she didn't care about me and the only person affected by my meth use was me. As I read your book, I began to cry and I called my mom. I sincerely apologized to her for the pain I had caused her, and she confided in me that she had felt she had lost her best friend the day I began taking meth. She told me she felt it was all her fault because "had she just known the signs, had she just stopped me" maybe I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in. I encouraged her to read Beside Still Waters as well, and she told me last night how healing reading it has been. She told me how God healed her heart and took away the stress, anxiety, and guilt she felt over my addiction. She also told me she plans to recommend the book to others she knows are suffering the way she was. All this to say, thank you for your open honesty and truthfully the tough love you illustrated in BSW. Thank you for touching and healing my heart, but more importantly thank you for the tools to allow my mom to heal. God bless you and the work you do!"

The ministry of Love Them To Life has continued, despite the restrictions of the past months regarding travel and churches having to meet virtually. Speaking at churches and teaching our Set Free seminar are the public portions of our ministry. However, we continue to counsel individuals as well as providing a phone resource for families who have no idea what to do or how to help their loved one. 

As the churches open up and begin to have services in person, we are available to speak, including Joe's testimony and a time for questions/answers. We are also available to teach our Set Free Seminar. 

The seminar is also available online and could be shown remotely to groups or individuals who need to see it but may not have access in person. Please contact us at lovethemtolife@gmail.com for more information.

Many of our LTTL support groups are now meeting in person. Please check with the group in your area or contact us at lovethemtolife@gmail.com for further information. The group listings can be found on our website at lovethemtolife.com. The groups that meet at America's Keswick are fully open and meeting on Monday nights at 7pm and Wednesdays at 10am. 

There are ways that you can help the ministry of Love Them To Life:
1. Please pray for us as we continue to bring the good news of hope for addiction through Jesus Christ. 
2. Talk with your pastor regarding having us speak at your church.
3. Please pray that more churches will have the vision for an LTTL group in their area.
4. We are supported through tax-deductible donations. All funds go to the expenses of the ministry. If you feel that Father is leading you to help support Love Them To Life, there are several ways to donate:

   - Electronic payments on our website  lovethemtolife.com ; click on the Donate tab.
   - By check: please address it to Love Them To Life, 31A Yorktowne Pkwy, Whiting, NJ 08759

Thank you so much for faithfully partnering with us.