Spring 2021 Update


March 2021

One of the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic has been the shutdown of normal activities and the ability to meet with other people on a regular basis. This has caused a feeling of isolation, fear, and the loss of hope. The statistics which show the increase in the number of people addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, gaming, and over-eating are staggering.

As a result of not being able to meet in person for our Love Them To Life support group, we felt that Father was leading us to begin meeting virtually on Zoom. This has allowed us to broaden the reach of LTTL support meetings to those who live in areas where there are no meetings.

We would like to introduce you to two women who have been a part of our virtual meetings: Brenda and Tammy.



The Good LORD HAS AGAIN showed His Faithfulness by meeting this mother's need!!! Several months ago Grace Fellowship International of Pigeon Forge, TN, referred me to Cherri Freeman’s weekly “LOVE THEM TO LIFE“ Zoom support group meeting!!! Through 38 years of my child’s addiction, only secular resources were available UNTIL NOW!!! This ZOOM meeting is my sole connection to understanding hearts as we share and learn from Cherri and her book Beside Still Waters: Discovering Peace in the Midst of Your Child's Addiction. This mother is GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR ALL OF THIS!!!


Brenda Welch

Knoxville TN


Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am you God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Isaiah 41:10

Having a child in addiction just about takes the life out of you. Somehow God led my son to Keswick. I don’t believe this was an accident. Somehow God brought me to Love Them To Life. This was saving grace.

Living in northeast PA, about three hours from Whiting, NJ, my friends thought I was crazy making these weekly trips. On Mondays, after teaching all day, I would leave school at 3:00 and set out on my journey that often took close to 4 hours because of traffic to attend this group for mothers of addicted loved ones. Then a 3-hour ride home would put me back in PA about midnight. Even my son, who was in Keswick at the time, would say, “Mom, you should be able to find somewhere closer to home to attend meetings.” Honestly, I never really looked. Was it the words written in Cherri Freeman’s book, Beside Still Waters or the safe feeling I had when I was there or the connection I felt with the group? It’s where God was leading me at a time when I needed him. I wasn’t able to make it every week but I tried. In my book I still see the words “missed” on the chapters that were discussed when I was unable to attend. I wanted to be sure to attend those sessions in the future.

It’s been about 5 years now since my son left The Colony of Mercy. I’ve made the trip to New Jersey a few times each year to maintain my connection with Cherri and this group.

Receiving an email amidst the pandemic saying that Love Them To Life was going to Zoom was a gift from God. Now being able to attend the weekly meetings regularly. It has taken me off the road and put me in my living room with God’s arms wrapped around me. I don’t want to miss a meeting. Each week I gain a greater understanding of addiction and how God can bring one out of this stronghold.

I think about the door this piece of technology has opened for other women who may not be able to physically attend a meeting. Zoom has allowed distance and other factors to not be an inhibitor to making the connection with other women who share in God’s love and have a loved one in addiction. It is here where we can come together, miles apart, and find the strength to “love our child to life by assisting them to brokenness.”


Fortunately, my son is no longer addicted to drugs. Other evils still continue to challenge his walk with the Lord. As for me, I will continue to zoom with the ladies on Monday nights. And if it’s part of God’s plan I may be starting a group in PA.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 23:1-3a


Tammy Thumann


Love Them To Life is a not-for-profit organization. Any of the support that comes in goes directly to ministry expenses. As part of what we do, we are grateful to be able to offer counseling for those dealing with loved ones in addiction without charge because of your faithful support. But the most precious gift you can give us is your prayer support.

We are available to speak in churches and for groups as they begin to open up. Our passion is to spread the good news that Jesus is the only hope for freedom from addiction and to support those who are devastated by the addiction of a loved one.

If Father lays it on your heart to support the ministry financially, it can be done in the following ways:

- By check: Please make the check out to Love Them To Life, 31A Yorktowne Pkwy, Whiting, NJ 08759

- Electronically: Click on the following link: https://lovethemtolife.com/donate

All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you so much for partnering with us.